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The dramatic display of emergency lights added to the mood at the PARTY program held on May 8 and 9.

May 8 and 9 saw dozens of students gather at the Humboldt Uniplex for the annual PARTY program, hosted by Safe Communities Humboldt. PARTY stands for Prevent Alcohol Related Trauma in Youth, and Grades 9 to 12 students from Humboldt and surrounding schools were able to take part.  

Throughout the program, students were able to sit in on numerous speakers and participate in mock crash scenarios and follow the paths of trauma victims and first responders to experience a tragic narrative that often unfolded in real time. 

“We had firefighters, paramedics, RCMP, therapists, ER nurses, and mental health and addictions counsellors assist students in experiencing the difficult journey of a trauma patient,” said Safe Communities Humboldt Director Amanda Hauber. “The students witnessed a mock crash scene and learned about not only sustaining injury, but they also learned about the ripple effects and potential consequences of being involved in a vehicle crash” 

Hauber says students also visited local funeral homes and listened to coroners talking about their role following a car crash.  

The day wrapped up with motivational speaker Cody Demerais talking to the students about his own experiences with alcohol, addictions and decisions that compromised his well-being.  

Thanks go out to the many volunteers who played different roles in the event. To all the responders, health care providers, mock crash victims, supervisors, coroners, the HCI Student Action Squad and many others, you are all part of helping to create this amazing and impactful experience to help prevent youth injuries and save lives.  
