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BGC Wolf Creek is offering a summer camp program option to keep youth busy this summer, featuring games, crafts, activities, and field trips.
Photo provided by BGC Wolf Creek

BGC Wolf Creek is offering program options to keep youth busy this summer.  

The summer camp day program features games, crafts, and activities all centered around themes, such as Game Show Week, All Start Sports, and Fantasyland.  

“The program planners base the crafts, activities, and games on the theme, and even some decor in the classroom pertains to that theme,” said Angie Olson, Director of Childcare for BGC Wolf Creek. “It gets everybody excited.”   

During the program, youth can also participate in field trips to different areas in Lacombe, go swimming and bowling, and do experiments.  

To register for the program, youth must be between five and 12 years of age.   

Families must pre-register their children for the program online and can choose specific days or weeks they want to attend.   

“It makes it flexible for parents and families because a lot of the programs that they are used to would be on a per-week basis, but we try to be as flexible and accommodating as we can for parents,” Olson said. “They can see which days they want their kids to go for fun and activities, but if it's for childcare purposes, they can pick those days too.”   

Each year the BGC gets a mixture of youth who attend the program for something fun to do over the summer, and youth who attend as a childcare option.    

“It tends to be that there's summer childcare, but there's quite a few that are there because they want their kids to come and have a good day to hang out and participate in the activities that are planned.”   

Olson explained that the camp program is beneficial for children as it can help build friendships and improve their socialization skills.    

“The summer can be quite a lengthy time with them out of school and getting them into a program that provides some of that routine and structure is beneficial for their mental health, and their activity,” Olson said.    

The summer camps also give youth opportunities for learning and growth, all while having fun.   

The summer camp day programs in Lacombe, Rimbey, and Ponoka start on July 2 and run every weekday from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. until Aug. 23. 

The camp in Lacombe is held at the Upper Elementary School and has 35 spaces available each day, the Rimbey camp is held at the Rimbey Christian School and has 30 spots available, and the Ponoka camp is held at the Youth Centre with 60 spaces.   

Click here for more information. 
