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(File Photo)

Slushy and wet ice was an issue at the Moose Jaw Events Centre (MJEC) last night. 

The situation arose during Game 3 of the WHL Championship series between the Moose Jaw Warriors and Portland Winterhawks. 

It was a sold-out crowd, with a full building less than 24 hours after Monday’s Foreigner’s concert that saw the ice covered.  

Mark O'Leary, head coach of the Warriors, commented on the situation after last night's game. "Circumstances don't change responsibilities - that's my thoughts on that."

"Both teams [were] dealing with it, and I love our mindset of our group. It was what it was, and we didn't complain about it. It just became part of the game," added O'Leary. 

Maryse Carmichael, city manager for Moose Jaw, said they’ve been actively working to rectify the situation since last night with both the MJEC and WHL staff looking into it.  

“We left the plant running all night long to ensure we have a really cold ice surface,” said Carmichael.  

She added they’re also discussing whether or not the entertainment will happen between periods during Game 4 tonight, to allow more time for the ice to harden. Lowering the temperature in the building is another possibility.  

“All in all, it was such a fantastic game last night, with a team that was literally on fire,” said Carmichael.  

The Moose Jaw Warriors are one win away from becoming Western Hockey League champions.  
