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The Red Deer Public School Board of Trustees approved the Three-Year Education Plan on May 8.
Photo provided by Red Deer Public Schools.

Red Deer Public Schools (RDPS) has set its strategic direction after the Board of Trustees approved the Three-Year Education Plan. 

“The highest priority for our division is the success of every student. Our focus is to ensure there is excellence in teaching and learning in every classroom across Red Deer Public Schools,” said Nicole Buchanan, Board Chair. “To ensure every student reaches their full potential, Red Deer Public has expanded its priorities for the 2024/2025 school year. These priorities align with the Alberta Education Assurance Domains, which include Student Growth and Achievement; Teaching and Leading; Learning Support; and Governance. The fifth Alberta Education Assurance Domain, Local and Societal Context, encompasses all of the aforementioned areas.” 

In the plan, 24 outcomes will be supported by 12 specific strategies.  

Strategies include implementing a comprehensive anti-bullying program to ensure that students’ safety and well-being are addressed, and developing and implementing a professional development plan that allows teachers to choose and access learning opportunities. 

The division will also engage in a comprehensive review of budgetary priorities in student learning supports to ensure the initiatives most essential are adequately resourced and continue to leverage a variety of tools and strategies to ensure that all educational stakeholders have the opportunity to provide valuable and strategic input to move the division forward. 

“Earlier this school year we asked our stakeholders how they preferred to be engaged with. Of the responses, 74 per cent preferred online engagement,” said Buchanan. “As a result, Red Deer Public invested in an online community engagement tool that will allow our division to engage with our stakeholders in an effective and strategic manner, and provide comprehensive reporting back to our community. We are looking forward to utilizing this tool with our stakeholders to provide rich and meaningful engagement.” 

In addition, the continuation of Student Support Rooms in elementary, K-8 and middle schools for the 2024/2025 school year is also part of the Division’s Three-Year Education Plan. On average, throughout the Division, upwards of 500 students visit a Student Support Room a day. 

“With the implementation of our Student Support Rooms this past school year, the feedback has been incredibly positive from students, staff and families with many saying Student Support Rooms are an absolute must in schools,” said Buchanan. “These Student Support Rooms are overseen by a full-time certified teacher, and meet the needs of hundreds of students across the division. All students, no matter their age, grade or ability are supported in the division, not just academically but emotionally, mentally and physically. The Student Support Rooms are in addition to the various wrap around support services for students.” 

The Three-Year Education Plan was approved by the Board of Trustees on May 8.
