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Cochrane's Ron Voss is running as an independent in the federal election. (Photo submitted)

If elected Banff-Airdrie MP, Cochrane resident Ron Voss vows to not go to Ottawa.

Instead, the independent candidate says he'll stay in Alberta and use the resources allotted to advance the cause of Alberta's independence and self-determination.

"My intent in running is to interject into the conversation the question, 'What's in it for Alberta by sending a politician to Ottawa?' So I think the place of Alberta, whether it's in confederation or out, should be part of the debate for everybody who wants better for Alberta."

He says we've sent Albertans to Ottawa before like Stephen Harper and Preston Manning, believing it would make a difference, but it didn't.

He says his campaign has been largely shaped by two books by Albertan Michael Wagner, an authoritative voice on the Western and Alberta separation movement.

"He makes a strong case for an independent Alberta as being the only option, the only viable path for Alberta, and that can only be achieved by Albertans through the provincial political system, not the federal system."

Voss calls Conservative Blake Richards a career politician who doesn't represent the interests of Albertans.

Voss was a Conservative at one time but has been disappointed several times by Richards' lacklustre answers to points he expressed in emails.

"He's the whip, he's (Erin) O'Toole's right-hand man, he's the enforcer, and so when O'Toole says net carbon zero, he says the same thing, which means a zero net oil and gas industry for Alberta by 2050."

Voss says he can't support the Maverick Party because he believes they are going down the same path as other Western leaders in the past.

He was taken back by comments attributed to Mavericks interim leader Jay Hill calling independence an albatross around their necks.

"That makes me think he's another one of those federal politicians who think they're going to Ottawa, and they're going to fix Canada. That really surprised me, and so he's a long-term guy, maybe 30 years and we'll work it all out. We haven't got 30 years."

His campaign will be low budget and besides reaching out to people looks forward to participating in any political debates organized.

He says he went door-to-door over five evenings to collect signatures for his nomination papers and found it a humbling and insightful experience.

"I think it's a really good thing if you're a candidate to get out and meet the people. I don't have a lot of statistics, but people who wanted to share were frustrated, they felt desperate, and they want change."

Voss is has resided in Cochrane for 16 years.

Time is running out for those intending to run for the seat. As of yesterday, the registered candidates were: Tariq Elnaga, Maverick Party; Blake Richards, Conservative Party; Derek Sloan, independent; Ron Voss, independent; and Nadine Wellwood, People's Party of Canada.

Both Aidan Blum of the Green Party and Liberal David Gamble have indicated they will be running. No NDP candidate has been announced as of yet.

Nominations close on Aug. 30.
