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spring seeding

The Crop Report for the week of June 11-17 was released by the Provincial Ministry of Agriculture.  

Seeding is virtually completed in the province, with one percent of acres unseeded in Saskatchewan. Frequent rainfall and excess moisture conditions are the causes for the remaining unseeded areas.  

There has been some delay in crop development due to cooler temperatures and excess moisture conditions. Fall cereals, spring wheat and oilseeds are behind normal development as compared to previous weeks.  

The highest rainfall recorded fell in the Rosthern area at 95 mm. The Nipawin area reported 75 mm followed by the Biggar area at 72 mm. Although the rain is supporting crop growth in some regions of the province, it is causing crop stress and disease in others that received excess moisture. 

Pastures are in a good position, with producers optimistic about the anticipated hay crop. Pasture topsoil moisture is five per cent surplus, 86 per cent adequate and nine per cent short. Hayland topsoil moisture is reported at six per cent surplus, 87 per cent adequate and seven per cent short. Cropland topsoil moisture showed increases in both surplus and short across the province this week as compared to last week. The topsoil moisture is reported as nine per cent surplus, 88 per cent adequate and three per cent short.   

Three per cent of seeded land is flooded and unlikely to produce a crop. One per cent of forage crops have excess moisture and are unlikely to produce a crop and one per cent of pastureland is not accessible or not usable. For areas experiencing reduced moisture, six per cent of the forage crops may have yields significantly affected along with nine per cent expressing that the carrying capacity of pastures may be reduced. 

There is crop damage reported across the province for several reasons. Some producers are reporting damage due to frost with some crops still being assessed. Excess moisture has caused moderate crop damage in some areas with some crops yellowing and showing increases in leaf disease. Producers in some regions are applying fungicides to slow the development of disease. Gophers, flea beetles and grasshoppers continue to cause crop damage throughout the province. It is reported that in some areas gophers and flea beetles have caused severe damage and producers have had to re-seed. 

Producers will continue with spraying operations when the weather allows. Most cattle are out to pasture and fences are being checked. Producers are preparing haying equipment for the upcoming weeks. 
