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Renovations at the Lacombe Hospital and Care Centre are underway to improve accessibility in various areas of the facility.  

Work includes replacing worn and uneven floors, lowering admitting desks to improve access and sightlines for wheelchair users, and adapting three washrooms to meet mobility needs.  

“We’ve heard from patients and families that this is something they’d like to see, and we know small things can do a lot to improve access for people with mobility challenges,” said Connie Sage, site manager. “We’re excited about the changes that are coming.”  

About 85 per cent of the $675,000 project is being funded by the Lacombe Health Trust, with the rest funded through the province's Infrastructure Maintenance Program.  

“We are very proud of the investment we’ve made to create a more accessible and inclusive environment for everyone at the Lacombe Hospital and Care Centre,” said Jim Dixon Jr., Board Chair at the Lacombe Health Trust. “We believe this project will make a significant difference in the experience of patients, families, and staff, and we’re grateful to the community for their ongoing support which makes this work possible.”  
