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The Pico House that houses the Bentley Museum is turning 100.
Photo provided by the Bentley Museum.

The historic Pico House, turned into the Bentley Museum, is turning 100.  

The building was originally constructed in 1924, by Henry Pico and his wife Sophie, who raised six children.   

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Henry and Sophie Pico's 1924 farmhouse was turned into the Bentley Museum. 
Photo provided by the Bentley Museum. 

Most 1920s farmhouses featured large wrap-around porches, adding more space to the smaller homes during the warm seasons.  

The design of the homes was often simple and functional, focusing on practicality. The interior of the homes typically included a large central kitchen, which was the heart of the home, and a family room.  

Farmhouses also had spaces dedicated to home canning and food preservation, which was crucial for surviving harsh winters. Many homes included root sellers and large pantries for storing preserved food.  

In 1992, Henry and Sophie moved into senior quarters, and members of the newly formed Bentley Museum Society were seeking a building to house Bentley’s history.  

During Bentley’s 75th anniversary celebration, members noticed many artifacts displayed and wondered what would happen to the items in the future. Members wanted the items to be preserved, and the history to be recorded.  

Members met with the Pico family to discuss using the farmhouse as the local museum.  

Land was purchased, a basement dug, cement poured, and the Pico House was relocated from its original site to its current address, traveling across a bridge, and passing through Bentley’s Main Street.  

The move was made possible with the help of two TransAlta employees who volunteered their time to assist in dropping power lines to facilitate the relocation.  

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The Pico House being relocated from its original site to its current address, traveling across a bridge.
Photo provided by the Bentley Museum. 

Some members of the society began to tour other museums and attended classes on museum policies to learn about the preservation of artifacts and recording of artifacts.  

As the project progressed, the enthusiasm of the town and surrounding area grew. Many volunteers donated labor and funds.  

To celebrate the iconic house turning 100, the Bentley Museum is hosting an open house on July 1 from 10 a.m. until 3 p.m., including a bake sale, refreshments, and children’s activity.  


**With information provided by the Bentley Museum.
