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Site of east of Caleb Village

With a growing community like Humboldt, the need for housing will always be present. 

At Monday’s City Council meeting, the first readings were given to a pair of rezoning bylaw changes that could potentially allow for new housing units to be developed.  

The first spot is the parcels of land in the southeast corner of the city by 101st St and Saskatchewan Ave, that are currently listed as acreage residences, but that site has been identified as a location that could potentially see the creation of housing that may include street townhouses.  

The first reading of the bylaw amendment was passed on Monday, with a second reading set for July’s City Council Meeting.    

The second site discussed was the East Caleb lot, beside Caleb Village. A bylaw change is required to allow for the potential of a multi-unit facility like an apartment building.  

Planning Coordinator Tanner Zimmerman said that with the site on municipal reserve, City council would then have to rededicated land or cash for a park within the city since the site was originally meant to become a park.  

The first reading of the bylaw amendment was passed on Monday, with a second reading also set for next month.  

Author Alias