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An update on the new landfill location and plans going forward will be provided to City Council in the next six to eight weeks. (File Photo)

Despite the rejection of the Discretionary Use Application placed by the City of Moose Jaw for a new solid waste facility to be located north of the city in the RM of Moose Jaw last month, both sides are in talks to decide a suitable location for the future facility. 

“We have made modifications following the input we received from the RM and the residents,” said Moose Jaw City Manager Maryse Carmichael. “(Now we) continue the partnership with the RM to discuss and find a suitable location for this landfill.” 

Carmichael said the meetings since the rejection have been productive and more details will be released soon. 

“Moose Jaw residents can expect that we’ll update our own City Council in the next six to eight weeks on the way forward,” said Carmichael. 

You can read more about the rejection of the discretionary use application and plans for the future landfill here.  
