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North facing view from the 4th Avenue Viaduct (File Photo)

As the Transportation Master Plan has been adopted by the City of Moose Jaw it has sparked discussions regarding the 4th Avenue Viaduct and the repairs needed to the structure. 

City Manager Maryse Carmichael says that repairs to the viaduct are a priority, but progress relies on cooperation with CPKC to go forward. 

“The Fourth Avenue Viaduct is also a priority, we are in arbitration right now at CPKC on the issue of the long-term capital project investment,” Carmichael explained. 

“The viaduct needs a little love, and we need to do that over the next few years, but we need to solve the arbitration first.”  

An agreement must be reached by both the City of Moose Jaw and CPKC before work can get underway. 

“We do need a partnership, absolutely. So, we have some agreements that were in place and once that’s solved then we can do the long-term work that’s required on the viaduct,” said Carmichael. 
