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Road Closed Sign

Summertime means it's construction time. 

 That's been the case within Humboldt as a few streets have been getting some repairs done recently.  

After some rainy weather in June that caused some delays, a warm July with little precipitation has allowed work to move ahead.  

Director of Public Works Peter Bergquist says there are a few projects that are currently underway.  

The section of 11th Street between 6th Avenue and 8th Avenue which had a water replacement done last year is getting new curbing done and will be paved later this year.  

A new project this year is 4th Avenue between 10th Street and 14th Street which will receive curbing and will be paved later this year.  

On 12th Avenue between Stebbings Crescent and 21st Street, repairs are being made to that area due to the construction of the Dry Pond at Carl Schenn Park.  

The area between 8th Avenue/Highway #5 and Ogilvie Avenue will also get resurfaced.  

Repairs will likely be complete in August with the asphalt arriving in either August or September according to Bergquist.  

He added that the city appreciates residents during the closure of the roads while work is being completed especially with the messy conditions but noted in the long term the motorists should enjoy the benefits of the work that is being done.  

Author Alias