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Dr. Torr with SHA warns with the heat the mosquitos known to carry mosquito born illness are moving Northward. Cases are spreading into southern United States which is putting more and more travelers at risk of mosquito born illness. "For travelers there has been a lot of warnings and advisories for mosquito born illness" says Dr Torr "In Texas they have had cases of malaria and dengue fever"

In the early 2000's the World Health Organizations were reporting a half million cases of Dengue Fever world wide.by 2023 that number climbed to 5 million cases. Since January and June of this year that number has sky rocked to 9 million. 

Mosquito spray is more important now than ever when travelling. Dr. Torr says "Dengue is really one to be concerned about. You really feel lousy, it gives you a lot of fever and muscle aches" Hence why its coined the break-bone fever

For travelers in Canada a new vaccine is available shortly in travel clinics for the mosquito born illness Chikungunya virus. I will be available for people over the age of 18. The virus has exploded to 3.7 million cases in the America's. The United states is working towards approving a vaccine for Dengue fever but it will be awhile before we see the arrival of that vaccine here in Canada

Deet based mosquito repellant still remains one of our best protections against mosquito born illness

Author Alias