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Image courtesy of Government House

A series of interpretive panels were unveiled at Government House on Monday, July 22. The panels add additional information and context to the content addressing Saskatchewan’s tragic history of residential schools. 

Metal silhouettes, crafted by Indigenous owned business Pro Metal Industries, depict children, who were the focus of surrounding much of the residential school tragedy.  

"By acknowledging and understanding our past, we pave the way for healing and reconciliation," Minister Responsible for the Provincial Capital Commission Don McMorris said. "The additions to the Saskatchewan Residential School Memorial are crucial steps in this ongoing journey." 

Two new traveling exhibits are also now open inside Government House. These exhibits, "Where Are the Children? Healing the Legacy of Residential Schools" presented by the Legacy of Hope Foundation and Library and Archives Canada, and "A National Crime: The Residential School System in Canada," presented by the Legacy of Hope Foundation and Department of Heritage Canada, will provide visitors with the opportunity to learn more about the history and ongoing impact of residential schools in Canada.   

The Saskatchewan Residential School Memorial, dedicated initially on June 21, 2022, was created in response to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission's (TRC) Call to Action #82. This call to action recommends the installation of a publicly accessible, highly visible residential school memorial in each capital city to honour survivors and all the children who were lost to their families and communities.   
