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Canola crop in bloom

The Ministry of Agriculture released the crop report breakdown for July 23 to 29 on Thursday. Keeping with the downtrend noticed the last few local crop reports, minimal moisture in the west-central area (and around the province) has been severely affecting the quality of crops ahead of harvest.

The main theme is that crops around the province are stressed due to the recent heat and lack of moisture, leading to a further decline in many yield potentials over the past week.

"Producers are hoping for moisture to help with head and pod filling on later seeded crops but for many advanced crops, any moisture received would have little impact on yield at this stage."


No specific mention of crop stress was included for the regional report, though west-central Saskatchewan surely seems in the danger zone. Little to no moisture was recorded once again this week, the Outlook area receiving the only noticeable rainfall with eight mm for Macrorie, and another four mm for Conquest.

The dry heat has been the main cause of crop damage over the past week. It's also led to a steady decline towards topsoil moisture levels; cropland, hayland, and pastureland levels all coming in at around 40-45 per cent adequate. Pasture conditions are looking fairly average, only around 6 per cent of the land reported as in poor condition.

The other crop damage this week has been caused by wind, logging moderate damage at most. Similar losses are coming from grasshoppers and aphids, and Gophers are being reported but only causing minor crop damage.


As a result of the quick advancement, harvest is already on the mind of some farms. Limited progress was reported when it comes to early seeded cereals, though for the most part producers are just getting their harvest equipment ready, and targeted fields as well with pulse desiccation occurring.

Author Alias