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samantha becotte
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STF President Samantha Becotte

The Saskatchewan Teachers Federation President says cell phones in the classroom may offer a distraction, but teachers have been managing cell phones in classrooms for over a decade and in some instances, it is used to support teaching.

The Government of Saskatchewan announced Monday that starting in September cell phones will not be allowed during class time at K to 12 schools in the province.

Samantha Becotte says the big issue they have been talking about for at least a year and a half is classroom complexity with more students with diverse needs and yet there are fewer professional supports available.

She says if the government is really dedicated and intent on removing distractions for students, they need to address distractions that come with classroom complexity.

The STF President also points out there is not only the issue with school divisions, it would seem, having to develop their own policies but within that there is concern around liability.

Teachers will have to request an exemption from administration to allow cell phone use by students during class when needed for an instructional purpose. Exemptions are also available for students that require ongoing use of mobile devices for medical or specific learning needs.

Author Alias