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Black bear photo courtesy Government of Saskatchewan

With a strong end to the summer on the minds for many before fall returns, a certain population in Saskatchewan is already looking forward to the winter.

"Summer is a great time for people to be outdoors, enjoying the weather and all that nature has to offer in our beautiful province." read a Sask. Ministry of Environment release on Monday, "However, it's also an important time for black bears to maintain and build their fat stores in preparation for winter."

Their hibernation driven hunger makes it even more important for anyone spending time outdoors to clean up any food and garbage laying around. Bears are ruled by their stomachs, especially this time of year, and will even settle for disturbing bird feeders and un-cleaned barbecues to get their fix.

The animal will simply move on if an area doesn't offer any temptation. If encountering a bear, stay calm, and follow these tips shared by the Ministry.

  • Hike in groups and let bears know you are in the area by talking, singing or carrying a bell when you are hiking. 
  • Never feed or approach a bear or cubs. 
  • Stay calm - don't run!  
  • If you must pass a bear, make a wide detour, back away - speaking firmly and calmly - and don't look directly at the bear. 
  • Move toward a vehicle, building, tree, rock or other cover. 
  • Do not climb a tree; black bears are excellent climbers. 
  • If the bear continues to approach, drop an article of clothing such as a jacket or hat to distract the bear. 
  • Get out your bear spray and prepare to use it.  
  • In most cases, black bears will threaten but not attack. If attacked, defend yourself; do not play dead.  

This doesn't just apply to the campground or the woods, all parts of Saskatchewan can be bear country; and they might just arrive near you to pack a perfect picnic basket ahead of another long hibernation.  

Author Alias