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The Saskatchewan NDP have named their candidate for the Humboldt-Watrous area for the upcoming provincial election. 

Kevin Fallis was nominated by local Saskatchewan New Democrat members on Sunday in Watrous.

“I am honoured to be your candidate here in Humboldt-Watrous,” said Fallis in a release. “Saskatchewan deserves better than last place on education and healthcare. I’m proud to join Carla Beck. She has a plan to get Saskatchewan out of last place and build a brighter future for everyone in Saskatchewan.”

Fallis is a healthcare worker. He has been a SEIU-West member for 21 years. Fallis was awarded the Saskatchewan Federation of Labour Bob Sass Award in 2021. He and his wife Ronelda have two children and five grandchildren.

“I am excited to have a leader like Kevin joining our team,” said Saskatchewan NDP Leader Carla Beck. “I know the people of Humboldt-Watrous would be very well served with Kevin as their MLA.”

The Sask NDP now have nominated 49 candidates, they will nominate their next candidate for Cypress Hills later today.
