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The province’s New Democrats say the faulty roll-out of an automated pay system is causing chaos in the health care system. 

Problems with the Administrative Information Managment System (AIMS), revealed in a leaked letter obtained by the Opposition, has led to delays in wages being paid to medical and health care professionals.  

“Stuff like this is the reason we have some of the worst rates of healthcare worker retention in Canada. After 17 years, this tired and out-of-touch government can’t even get the basics right and pay our people on time,” said Beck at a media event yesterday. “It’s time to get Saskatchewan out of last place on healthcare. It’s time for a change.” 

The letter reveals that doctors, nurses, autism interventionists, and other healthcare workers have not been paid on time due to what the NDP release says is the Sask. Party's second faulty AIMS roll-out.  The NDP release also indicates that healthcare workers who leaked the letter say that the late payments have affected doctors in all Saskatoon emergency rooms, lowering morale and worsening the chaos. For some emergency room doctors, AIMS is the final straw that has them considering leaving Saskatchewan or cutting back their work hours.   

The NDP are also critical of the cost of the new system and associated roll out, stating that the cost of the program skyrocketed from $86 million to an estimated $240.  

The Opposition is calling on the Sask. Party government to follow the Provincial Auditor’s recommendation to investigate the AIMS situation. 
