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Another edition of the Summer Reading Club with the Reid Thompson Library ended on Thursday. 

 To celebrate, there was a petting zoo set up inside Civic Park, giving the children a chance to interact up close with a variety of animals including a llama, goats, bunnies, turkeys, chickens, and much more.  

Librarian Crystal Clarke was happy with the participation over the last two months.  

“We had so many kids come and doubled the number of kids in our programs, our circulation numbers are up, and the kids are excited about all the programs that we’ve had, our summer student has been great, and the program has been very successful.”  

Clarke noted the program saw close to 1,000 participants in the activities. Some of the fun stuff the kids got to take part in included a reptile show, rocket launches, a visit from the Fire Department, a magic show and much more.  

Even with the temptation of screen time, Clarke was pleased to see the children being active with the program during the summer months.  

“It’s been great to see kids come out and read and be part of the program, and just learning, exploring and being creative and having fun together.”  

 Just because the beginning of the school year is just around the corner, Clarke says the library will try offer programming and other events to keep kids coming back to the library.

You can view a gallery of the animals at the windup below. 

Author Alias