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Goose, the smiling Samoyed cross, is always ready for a car ride and a tasty treat!

As summer nears its end, the August Perfect Pet Contest has brought out some truly adorable entries! This month’s contestants are as diverse as they are delightful, with a variety of cats & dogs showing off their unique personalities.

Stanley & Nelly Denys

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Hi, my name is Stanley I’m 13! I was adopted from the Estevan Humane Society. I waited a while to chose my perfect family, I knew they were mine from the very first pets! My sister is Nelly she’s 6. She moved in as a kitten & I loved her from the start. The ones I call mom and dad live in our house with us, they are good servants! We love brushes, treats and our toys! I know there are a lot of cute cats out there, but we would love if you chose us as the cutest!

Thor & Loki

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My family fell in love instantly with these two cuties they had a rough start to life but now living the dream. We adopted them 3 years ago from the humane society.


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He is a loveable cat, he is 2 years old,he loves doritos, he loves playing tag, and he is very playful.


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Peanut is a 2 year old cat who is really playful. He loves cuddling and loves toys. He is a little cat that loves cat nip and water.



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Galaxy is always extremely affectionate and loves telling stories all hours of the day. Whether it is doing tricks for her favorite Tuna or going for walks to AnW she does it her own perfectly one of a kind way.


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He is a very beautiful cat that loves going for walks on the farm. He loves snuggles and playing with any toys in the house. His fav treats are temptations & those duck strips.


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Bronx is a 3 year old American pitbull terrier. He loves destroying toys and playing outside.


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Nova is my loving big cuddler and loves to give kisses the other side is the farm protector she keeps all rodents wildlife and even unwanted humans away from the farm she is very unique in her own way please pick her for the cutest pet ❤️

Tiger ????

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He’s about 18 years old. He’s a little bit blind but he still seems to find the other cats food to steal. Because obviously we starve him.


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He is a 2 year old Shorkie (shihtzu/yorkie). He loves to go for walks, play fetch and car rides.


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Celyn is a 17 year old pup with plenty of spunk and sassy attitude loved by all.


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Year and half old French bulldog that loves dressing up and being the Center of attention!

Edward (Submitted by Jimmy)

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Edward is my Grand dog. He belongs to our daughter Linnea. He has the biggest personality of any dog I’ve ever met and thrives on being the centre of attention. We love this little guy.

Also Edward... (Submitted by Kathryn)

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Edward is our grand puppy. He loves camping with Grandma and Grandpa at Hidden Valley. He is very popular here. Edward is so sweet. He loves attention and often will sit on the edge of the sofa looking out the window (maybe he thinks he is a cat). Our daughter Linnea got him during Covid- he is very spoiled by all our family!


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Baloo is very affectionate with people and loves to be with others at the dog park. He's ospunky, full of energy, and very fast. (As commented on by people with dogs of various sizes.)


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Toby is very affectionate and loving .He will make you feel better when you are sick till u feel better.He loves to cuddle and give loves. He loves other people if u give him a belly rub he is ur friend for life. He had a very special way to make u feel good in his own little furry way love him so very much.


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Crosby is the bestest boy! He is the best cuddle buddy. He is full of personality and appreciates everything! Crosby had a hard start to life as he left in a dumpster. We rescued him from a rescue in Saskatoon! He has been the greatest addition to our family!


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Ross (Roscoe) is a Chesapeake Bay Retreiver. He loves swimming in the Souris river, protecting his farm yard and sighing when he's bored. He is known for his curly fur and deep bark that shakes your ear drums. He loves his dollar store red toy.


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Goose is a smiling, biscuit-coloured Samoyed cross. He loves sticks, chasing his kitty roommate and being close by to mom. He inhales his treats before tasting them. His favourite words are car ride.


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This sweet calico is almost 14. Selma always has her matching white socks on. She loves to tuck her owner in and spend morning coffee together. She loves to try to escape out the door any chance she gets. Her favourite sound is the can opener with salmon. She is obsessed with the smell of horses. Selma wakes her owner with cold nose presses.


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Tilly was adopted from the Prairie Sky Dog Rescue a year ago. She is so gentle, loving and playful. A great addition to our family.


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Rocco is a ball of love. Very energetic for a shot period of time as he is a pug! With that said when Rocco sees you he must give you plenty of kisses and watch out cause just when u think hea done bam more kisses.


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Mowgli was a rescue kitten that I bottlefed. He thinks he's human and loves to try helping us around the house with whatever we are doing.


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Misa is one years old and loves treats and naps! You can usually find her curled up in a sunny spot or playing with her toys.

Thank you to everyone who submitted their beloved pets for this month’s contest. Each entry brought a smile to our faces, and we can’t wait to share the winner with you! Be sure to tune in to SUN 102 tomorrow morning during the 8 AM hour when Dawn Klassen from All Creatures announces the lucky winner. Good luck to all our contestants, and don’t forget to keep an eye out for September’s contest!
