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We are excited to announce that Astro, a lively 2-year-old Shorkie (Shih Tzu/Yorkie mix), has been chosen as the August Perfect Pet winner!

Astro's owner, Desiree, describes him as a playful and energetic companion who loves going for walks, playing fetch, and enjoying car rides. However, Astro isn’t always the pinnacle of perfection—he has a mischievous side! In a lighthearted moment, Desiree shared that Astro has a habit of escaping the house and joyfully running around the neighbourhood. "He sure enjoys that, doing that on a somewhat regular basis," Desiree said with a chuckle. "So I think the neighbourhood kind of has gotten to know him and know that he gets out sometimes."

Despite his occasional escapades, Astro has captured the hearts of many with his charm and spirited personality. Dawn Klassen from All Creatures had the pleasure of announcing him as this month's winner, and it's clear that Astro's joyful nature and playful quirks made him a standout contestant.

Congratulations to Desiree and Astro for winning the August Perfect Pet Contest! Be sure to enter your pet in next month’s contest for another chance to win $50 gift cards to All Creatures and Rodeo Dawg. Keep those adorable pet photos coming!

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