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Alberta Agriculture's weekly crop report shows 20 per cent of the provincial crop has been harvested, with another nine per cent swathed. The winter wheat harvest is now 94 per cent complete, followed by the fall rye at 93 per cent, dry peas at 73 per cent, and lentils at 59 per cent across the province. 

Regionally, the South has seen the most progress with 38 per cent of crops combined, the Central Region is at 25 per cent,  the North West and North East  have less than 7 per cent finished, while the Peace Region is 11 per cent complete.

According to the report, crop conditions are currently rated 43 per cent good to excellent for all crops, in comparison to the 5-year average of 55 per cent and 10-year average of 57 per cent. The Peace Region has the highest proportion of crops rated as good to excellent condition at 57 per cent, followed by the South Region reporting at 54 per cent, the North East at 44 per cent, the North West at 34 per cent, and the Central Region at 22 per cent.

Precipitation over the past week was concentrated mostly in the North West, Peace, and the eastern part of the North East receiving 10-50 mm. The Central Region reporting some light showers of 3 to 15 mm, while the South Region saw only 0 to 2 mm. 

Provincial surface and sub-surface soil moisture are both stable. Overall, the province is rated as having good to excellent surface (sub-surface) soil moisture conditions of 33 (27) per cent, an improvement of 1 (0) per cent from last week.

Regionally, the per cent of surface (sub-surface) soil moisture rated as good to excellent is 31 (21) in the South, 30 (20) in Central, 27 (29) in the North East, 21 (18) in the North West and 70 (71) in the Peace.

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Source: AGI/AFSC Crop Reporting Survey