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At least two individuals at Points West Living in Cochrane have tested positive for COVID-19.

The local supportive living facility is currently listed under 'Outbreak Status' on the Alberta Health Services (AHS) website.

Acute care and continuing care facilities meet provincial outbreak criteria once two or more cases have been identified; indicating that transmission within the facility has occurred.

According to the AHS site, outbreaks are declared to be over once four weeks have passed since the last case was identified. 

During Tuesday's COVID Update, the province announced ramped-up measures to slow the spread of the virus; including adding a third dose of vaccine for the province's most vulnerable population.

Starting today, Albertans aged 75 and older are eligible for a third shot. All First Nations, Metis and members of the Inuit community who are 65+ are also eligible.

Over 100 residents at Points West Living received their first dose of Moderna on January 13, 2021.
