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Drought conditions appear to have returned locally to much of the region. (Photo by David Zammit)

According to Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada drought map published on August 31, much of the region ranges is listed in moderate or severe drought. With a few spots close to the Montana and Alberta borders in the abnormally dry category.

The severe drought spot runs from Swift Current north to the Rosetown area and west to Kindersley. 

Trevor Hadwen, an agriclimate specialist with Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, said much of the province's moisture levels are adequate.

The three meteorological summer months in the region undid the near return to normal conditions according to the drought mapping after a strong spring for precipitation. 

West central Saskatchewan has received around a half inch of rain in August

"Those spring rains really helped improve things throughout the province but more specifically in the western portion," he said. "We've lost a lot of moisture through the heat this summer and evapotranspiration... We started out the year much worse than we are currently in terms of moisture levels."

The region has battled extremely dry conditions consistently since 2017.

"There are lingering impacts from previous years of drought that are still occurring," he said. "Pastures have not fully recovered throughout many parts of the province... and the feed supplies have not fully recovered from previous years."

Hadwen said both pasture and feed supplies did improve overall this year but generally took a slight step backward in August.

Author Alias