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Effective today, school divisions across the province will have amped up COVID-19 safety protocols in place, as directed by the provincial government.

In a letter from Rocky View Schools (RVS), Superintendent Greg Luterbach states that the division's priority continues to be the health and safety of all students and staff.

The key changes to RVS' operational plan are as follows: 

  • Families will be notified of positive COVID-19 cases in their child's classroom
  • When three new positive cases have been identified in a class over a five calendar day span, Kindergarten – Grade 6 classes will shift to temporary at-home learning for 10 calendar days
  • A School Outbreak is now classified as 10 or more cases
  • Proof of vaccination, or a negative test will be required for all RVS staff, volunteers, contractors, and visitors entering an RVS school or site

Luterbach says that when a temporary shift to at-home learning is deemed necessary, notifications will be sent home the day before online learning is to begin. Unlike last year, parents/guardians will not be asked to pick up their children during the school day unless they are symptomatic. 

In his letter, Luterbach outlines the protocol surrounding school outbreaks; when 10 or more cases are identified at a school. He says that "Depending on the severity of the outbreak, RVS may decide to shift full classes or grades to temporary at-home learning." He continues to say that "Moving an entire school to temporary at-home learning remains an Alberta Education decision."

RVS is in the process of finalizing the details surrounding proof of vaccination. A timeline has yet to be established but according to Luterbach, there will be a transition period before the procedure is in effect. 

He says although the division requires staff and volunteers to have proof of vaccination or a negative COVID-19 test, this requirement does not apply to students.  
