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Coaching is a job that requires a lot of time and sometimes doesn't get the credit it deserves.  

The Coaching Association of Canada has recognized this week as National Coaches Week. 

Horizon School Division Administrator of Student Activities Brian Grest says it requires plenty of dedication to be a coach. 

“Our coaches are one of the most amazing coaching volunteer organizations in any of our communities, they’re unsung heroes as far as I’m concerned.” 

Grest added, “They put in countless hours generally speaking with other people’s kids, it’s a lot of time away from their families, a lot of time away from their spouses, and children for all the sake of doing what’s best for other people’s kids.”  

While coaches are assigned to guide athletes in their journey in sports, Grest noted coaches also instill important life skills. 

“Responsibility of the coach is to teach the sports skills, especially in the school setting it’s an educational experience too, the growth of the child not only physically but emotionally and socially that is so important.” 

To help recognize National Coaches Week, the Coaching Association of Canada has provided some free education that can be used towards the National Coaching Certificate Program between September 16-19.  

You can also find more information on all the Coaching Association of Canada’s social media channels.  

Author Alias