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Farmers now have 63 per cent of the provincial crop in the bin, up from the five and ten-year averages of 43 and 38 per cent.

Harvest progress varies from 80 per cent complete in the South to 73 per cent in the Central Region, while the other areas are now 50 per cent complete.

Provincially, this week's crop report shows 99 per cent of the dry peas are in the bin, spring wheat and barley are 79 per cent complete. At this point 31 per cent of the canola has been cocmbined with 37 per cent swathed, while oats are now 55 per cent complete. The oat harvest is most advanced in the South where 91 per cent of the crop is in compared to the North East which is at 47 per cent complete.

The province reporting some moisture over the last week with the South, Central and North East regions reporting between 20 and 80 millimetres of rain, the North West and Peace regions had light scattered showers with up to 15 millimetres being reported.

Alberta Agriculture's weekly crop report shows surface soil moisture in the province (last week’s rating) is rated at 17 (31) per cent poor, 37 (40) per cent fair, 45 (29) per cent good, 2 (1) per cent excellent and 0 (0) per cent excessive. 

Sub-surface soil moisture for the province (last week’s rating) was rated 28 (33) per cent poor, 45 (45) per cent fair, 26 (22) per cent good, 2 (0) per cent excellent and 0 (0) per cent excessive.

Pasture growth conditions increased from 26 per cent good to excellent to 29 per cent good to excellent this week, below the 5-year average of 34 per cent good to excellent. While conditions are not favorable, showers this week were beneficial. 

Regional conditions are currently rated (5-year average) as 32 (19) per cent good to excellent in the South, 24 (40) per cent good to excellent in the Central, 21 (41) per cent good to excellent in the North East, 24 (45) per cent good to excellent in the North West and 55 (43) per cent good to excellent in the Peace.

The weekly crop report is put together with data from AFSC and Alberta Agriculture and Irrigation.