The Saskatchewan Urban Municipality Association (SUMA) has issued their wants from the next provincial government ahead of the election.
That includes recognition for funding, policing, and more responsibilities for cities and towns in the province.
SUMA President Randy Goulden says that one key issue is whether or not the Marshal Plan will continue past the election independently of who wins.
"We want to sit down with provincial government and find out the best way that that can happen, whether it's the Marshalls or whether it's the RCMP, we want more boots on the ground and we need to continue talking about this."
Goulden wants to make sure that all policing funding goes into efficient sectors.
"We want to work with government, and we want to make sure that the funds, any funds put into policing, whether it's municipal policing, RCMP, are best suited for those municipalities and get to where the people need them. "
While much of the province's economy is still recovering from COVID Goulden is hoping that the province can help those who were already in a bad place.
"Currently the province is very much focused on recovery, and we understand that, but there are so many of our residents here in Saskatchewan that aren't at that place yet and how do we best help them."
In Goulden's community of Yorkton, she's seeing much of the money going to initiatives head back to the province in taxes.
"We don't want everyone that has some challenges going into the justice system that is already clogged. For instance, and I use my community, the city of Yorkton we receive about $3.8 million worth of revenue sharing in a year. Now that we are undergoing quite a bit of construction, we're seeing that at least 2.2 million is clawed back for that PST on construction labour."
With files from the Saskatoon Media Group.