You can enjoy some hockey action at the Watson Arena on Saturday and help out the local playschool.
Teams from Muenster, Carrot River, Hague, Wadena, Cudworth and Warman will be competing in a U15 contact tournament.
There will be raffle and 50/50 draws with the proceeds going to the Watson Playschool.
President Deena Eggerman says the playschool in Watson started around six years ago with local mothers wanting to get a playschool in town.
“It’s kind of been growing ever since, we’ve had a steady number of students every year since we started, and it’s just been a really, great program for the community.”
Children aged 3-4 attend the Watson Playschool. Eggerman noted most of the three-year-olds attend the playschool with majority of the four-year-olds attending two days a week.
Saturday’s hockey fundraiser is a first-time endeavour for the Watson Playschool, and Eggerman said the suggestion was made by a local teacher to use the tournament as a fundraiser.
She added that they tried to recruit teams who would not normally play against each other, with only two teams located in the same league.
The proceeds of the tournament will go towards keeping the Watson Playschool in operation for years to come according to Eggerman.
“We just have new products and there’s new tools out there for the kids to learn and to learn from. This fundraiser helps us raise money for that, and in doing that we can keep our doors open for the future kids that are around that will be coming to playschool.”
Admission to the hockey action is free, there will be raffle and 50/50 draws at the tournament with the proceeds going to the Watson Playschool.
Eggerman wanted to extend appreciation to the sponsors, donors, and volunteers that helped with the playschool fundraisers.
“It’s so important to have the local involvement of our local community to help make our fundraiser successful because without them we wouldn’t have the program operational like we have in Watson.”