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The Funeral Service for the late Elmer Haux (pronounced hoax) of Shaunavon will be held on Friday, January 17th at 2:00 p.m. from Salem Lutheran Church in Shaunavon with Pastor Logan Klassen officiating. Interment for the late Elmer Haux will take place at Hillcrest Cemetery at Shaunavon. Lunch will follow at the Royal Canadian Legion Hall in Shaunavon. Binkley’s Funeral Service of Shaunavon is in charge of the arrangements. For those wishing, Memorial Donations may be made to Shaunavon Legion, in care of Binkley’s Funeral Service at (306) 297-2412 or Toll Free at 1-877- BINKLEY. Share a memory with Elmer Haux’s family on his tribute wall at www.Binkleys.com.
