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This morning we called and notified our lastest Ticket Takeoff winner that they were off to see SLOAN at the Esplanade Jan 25th and that winner was Cody. 

Not only does Cody get a pair of tickets to the show but he also receives a one-night stay at the Super 8 in Medicine Hat. 

Your next chance to win with the Ticket Takeoff has already begun!

Head over to the page and enter to win a pair of tickets to Piano Heist (Nico Rhodes & Patrick Courtin) coming to the Esplanade on February 10th. 

We will be announcing the winner of these tickets and a one-night stay at the Super 8 coming up on the morning of February 5th. 

So make sure to enter for your chance to win. 

Ticket Takeoff is brought to you by Co-op Place, The Esplanade, Tixx.ca and Super 8. 

Author Alias