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One of Humboldt’s longstanding fundraisers is set to return with its 45th edition. 

Bowl for Kids' Sake with the Humboldt Big Brothers and Big Sisters is back from February 10-14.  

Program Lead Jillina Beaudoin says the theme for this year’s Bowl for Kids’ Sake is Farmers in the Lane. 

“Kind of a play on farmer in the Dells," said Beaudoin, “Humboldt loves farming, we love our Humboldt farmers, so we thought it was very fitting.”  

With less than three weeks until Bowl for Kids' Sake gets underway, Beaudoin explains that now is the time for people to round up a team together and begin raising money. 

The link to pledge sheets can be found at Humboldt Big Brothers and Big Sisters social media pages. 

Each group can pick out a team lead who can contact Kemway Lanes to reserve a lane for the squad during the week.  

With the farming theme, Beaudoin encourages teams to dress up for the occasion. 

“We have prizes for best dressed team, best dressed individual,” Beaudoin said, she also noted that for each $100 an individual fundraises, they will have their name entered in a draw. 

Also, the student who raises the most amount of money during the Bowl for Kids campaign will receive a Chromebook donated by This Is Your Computer.  

With its storied history in Humboldt, Bowl for Kid’s Sake is an important annual fundraiser for Big Brothers and Big Sisters. 

“This is one of three signature events that we raise funds that go back directly into our matches.” 

She added that the funds are used for a variety of items to help benefit the matches within the community.  

Some of the trophies that will be handed out include the School of the Year, which has been handed out to the Muenster School over the last couple of years, a business trophy for the business that generates the most fundraising dollars.   

Beaudoin reminds residents to contact Kemway Lanes to book a spot and if there are any questions they can contact at humboldt.events@bigbrothersbigsisters.ca.

More information on for Bowl for Kids Sake can be found here

Author Alias