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Top Notch Farming is hosting their event from 9:00-3:30 P.M. tomorrow at McKenna Hall, recapping the last year in agriculture and looking ahead to the 2025 growing year. (photo by Natasha Wiebe)

Farmers within the Weyburn and surrounding area will be able to gain some knowledge and insight before the 2025 growing year thanks to a new Top Notch Farming extension meeting event on February 11th. From 9:00 A.M. to 3:30 P.M. at McKenna Hall, SaskOilSeeds in partnership with SaskBarley will be hosting this event to share information and look ahead to the new year. Kaeley Kindrachuk is a canola agronomy extension specialist with SaskOilSeeds who’s hosting this event, and she’s excited about what this could bring for farmers in Weyburn.  

“It's a learning day for farmers and agronomists. We'll have research updates on canola, flax, and barley agronomy as well as market outlooks for those crops and some Prairie hydrology. We want to bring the latest updates on our crops, and we love to come out to the rural location so that we get to see some different faces and meet some new people and hopefully some farmers don't have to travel as far.” 

The event is free to attend, and they’re hosting complimentary coffee breaks and lunch courtesy of Elite Processing. However, they ask that you register beforehand, so they know how much food and how many chairs to set up.  

As well for agronomists, this event will count for Continuing Education Units (CEU) towards their Certified Crop Advisory (CCA) certification. For more details and how to register, visit the SaskOilSeeds’ website. 

Author Alias