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The provincial government reported 122 new cases of COVID-19 Friday, along with five deaths linked to the virus. There were also 102 recoveries reported. This brought the number of active cases of COVID-19 to 1,443. 

Geographically, the most new cases were reported in the Central East region, with 27. There were 25 new cases in the Regina area, and 21 in the Saskatoon area. Another 13 new cases were reported in the Southeast, 11 in the North Central, eight in the North West, five in the South West, four in the South Central and one in the Far North West. 

Of the new cases, 34 were under the age of 12, and 17 were in the 12-19 age range. Another 45 were between the ages of 20 and 39. There were 15 new cases in the 40-59 age group, nine in the 60-79 age group and two over the age of 80. 

The number of hospitalizations due to COVID-19 increased by two to 180. There were 47 people in intensive care. This was down by two from Thursday. 

The vaccine rollout continued, with 815 first doses and 1,934 second doses being administered. This has 69.3 percent of the total population now fully vaccinated against COVID-19.