The area has seen positive temperatures since the extreme cold warning ended earlier this month. Meteorologist with Environment and Climate Change Canada, Stephen Berg, says warm temperatures are expected to stick around for a while, as it is the trend for this time of year.
“The normal is high of minus two and a low of minus 13 for the period. It looks like for the next little while, temperatures look to be anywhere from normal to just a bit above of normals up till next week or next weekend. So some overnight lows that'll be a little bit on the cooler side with temperatures into the minus double digits, but nothing remarkable. No big cold snaps on the near-term horizon anyway.”
Berg says the transition from winter to spring also brings some unpredictable precipitation including flurries, rain, and freezing rain.
He offers safety reminders as freeze-thaw temperatures can create ice and otherwise slippery surfaces.
“Be careful on, on surfaces, either driving or walking with the overnight freeze-up period and then given the daytime melting, just another kind of refresher about the ice on the roads and making sure people are staying safe out there. But enjoy the much warmer temperatures in the recent weeks.”
You can stay up to date on the forecast anytime by checking the Discover Humboldt Weather Page.