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RVS responded to protests that happened on Thursday in front of their buillding in Airdrie (Photo by Anna Ferensowicz

Tara de Weerd, Director of Communications for Rocky View Schools spoke on behalf of RVS with regards to protests that occurred on Thursday in front of the RVS building.

"RVS understands there continues to be a range of diverse opinions about evolving pandemic-related protocols in schools to minimize the transmission of COVID-19 and protect the students and staff in our care. Our approach since the start of the pandemic has been to align our measures with the recommendations and direction from provincial health leaders," de Weerd wrote. "We appreciate families sharing their perspectives with us. Some families chose to exercise their right to protest on public property and we thank them for expressing their views respectfully and peacefully today."

During the day, protestors gathered to express their opposition to vaccine mandates and vaccine declarations.

According to the Rockyview Schools COVID-19 Hazard Reduction Administrative procedure, "An Employee who does not provide proof of immunization by December 1, 2021, may comply with this administrative procedure by providing proof of negative COVID-19 testing via a Rapid Test on a semi-weekly basis, at the Employee’s own expense outside of work time by a laboratory/pharmacy beginning January 3, 2022."

Furthermore, "Employees who are unable to show proof of immunization and be fully immunized by January 3, 2022, or are unwilling to routinely show proof of negative COVID-19 testing, shall be considered non-compliant with this administrative procedure. Human Resources will review each non-compliant circumstance in its own context and circumstances."

Consequences of not complying with the vaccine mandate could result in:

  • Leave of absence without pay and benefits
  • Reassignment or modification of duties in very limited circumstances
  • Conclusion of employment.