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Peter Guthrie expressed his opposition to mandatory vaccinations in the Legislative Assembly on Nov. 23. (Image/Alberta Legislative Assembly)

Airdrie-Cochrane MLA Peter Guthrie rose in the Legislative Assembly to express concern over the number of government organizations, institutions, and businesses implementing vaccination policies that call for the firing of people who don't comply.

He says the government is heading down a slippery slope if it creates legislation or supports policy that may well be unconstitutional.

"I am fully vaccinated, and I believe it to be our path forward, but I also hold dear the rights and freedoms of those to choose in matters pertaining to their bodies and their personal health," he stated in the Legislative Assembly on Nov. 23.

"We as a governing body stated countless times over the course of almost two years that we would not mandate vaccination, so we should hold strong to that position."

Guthrie said many Albertans shared the view that we should have less government interference in our personal and business lives, not more.

"Creating legislation or supporting policy that may well be unconstitutional and acting based upon societal views at any moment in time, even if one agrees with those views, sets a poor precedent and, in my opinion, has governments going down a slippery slope."

He said he supports the recommendation of an all-party panel reviewing the Health Act and is opposed to any organization directing mandatory use of an active medical procedure, including vaccinations.
