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Just shy of 4,000 doses of COVID-19 vaccine were administered, according to the update released Saturday. (file photo)

The provincial government reported 68 new cases of COVID-19 across Saskatchewan Saturday. Along with 90 recoveries, this brought the number of active cases in Saskatchewan down to 722.  

The number of hospitalizations decreased by six, to 130. Of those, 33 were in intensive care, down by one from Friday’s update. There are also four people in acute care in Ontario. 

Of the new cases that were reported, 19 were those under the age of 12, and nine were between the ages of 12 and 19. Another 18 cases were in those between the ages of 20 and 39, 14 in the 40-59 age group, seven in the 60-79 age group and one was over the age of 80.  

Geographically, the Saskatoon region had the most new cases, with 15. There were 11 new cases in the South East region. Another eight cases were reported in the North Central region, seven in Regina, six in the North West and Far North East, five in the Central East, four in the South Central and one case each in the Central West and Far Nort West.  

Vaccination uptake continued to be strong, with another 3,919 doses of vaccine reported as administered. This included 2,849 first doses and 1,070 second doses. As of the report Saturday, 77.9 percent of the total population of Saskatchewan had received their first dose, and 71.2 percent had received their second dose.