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Photo courtesy of AHS

Although fewer Albertans are getting vaccinated against influenza during the current flu season than got the jab last year, over one million people have now rolled up their sleeves to make sure they're protected against the seasonal flu.  

The latest numbers from Alberta Health Services indicate that 1,016,839 Albertans, 23 percent of the population, have gotten the shot this year.  During the entire 2021-2021 flu season 1,619,310 received the vaccine and not one case of flu was found in the province.

While Alberta can't make a similar claim this year, it would appear that, at least so far, flu season has not been severe.  There have been just six lab-confirmed cases of influenza with none resulting in death or even hospitalization.  There has been just one confirmed case in the Calgary zone which includes Airdrie.  The Edmonton zone has been responsible for the other five cases.

AHS says that in order to protect yourself fully you need both a COVID-19 vaccine and an influenza vaccine and it is safe to get both shots at the same time.  All Albertans six months of age and older are able to get immunized against influenza with everyone five years of age and up able to be vaccinated for COVID-19.    

With the Omicron COVID-19 variant now causing concern around the world and the risk of the variant putting more pressure on Alberta's healthcare system, getting immunized against influenza and the COVID-19 virus is now more important than ever before.
