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Photo courtesy of AHS

Dr. Deena Hinshaw provided a COVID-19 update for Monday, January 10.

The province has added 17,577 new COVID-19 cases since last Thursday.

Friday, January 7 there were 6,161 new cases, Saturday saw 6,135 and Sunday 5,281 new cases were reported.

Alberta's active case count is now at 56,332.

Hospitalizations have risen to 635 and ICU admissions are at 72. 

Sadly, another six deaths have been reported over the weekend. 

Dr. Hinshaw announced that PCR testing eligibility parameters have been changed again due to the sheer number of cases overwhelming the testing system.

Effective immediately, PCR tests will be available to only continuing care residents, health-care workers and staff, acute and continuing care settings, shelters, and correctional facilities. Only if those individuals need confirmation of a rapid test, are displaying symptoms, or are part of an outbreak investigation. Also eligible are those who are symptomatic and live with the above-mentioned people.

The list also includes emergency department or hospital patients as well as community patients who are not immunized over 55. Also, those over 18 who are unimmunized have underlying health issues. 

The detailed list of those who are eligible for a PCR test can be found HERE.

Dr. Hinshaw says it is safe to say that the actual case count could be as much as ten per cent higher than reported since only PCR tests are being recorded. 

Alberta's top doctor did have a bit of good news saying that third shot vaccination uptake has been good and she is grateful to Albertans for doing all that they can to combat the 5th wave.