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Many schools across the province will be welcoming back students and teachers from their February break today; and in less than 24 hours schools across the province will look much different, as Alberta moves to step two of its plan to ease COVID-19 restrictions.

The mandatory mask mandate was lifted for students across the province on February 14, when in school or on the school bus.

Now, starting tomorrow masks will be optional for both youth and adults in most indoor settings right across Alberta.

In a joint statement Rocky View Schools Board Chair, Fiona Gilbert and Superintendent, Greg Luterbach say that they fully support this next move in the "journey to return to normal operations."

"As we have done since the start of the pandemic, RVS will align our approach with this new government direction," state Gilbert and Luterbach. They go on to say that starting Tuesday, March 1, protocols that are no longer required by government will be lifted.

This means that starting tomorrow all teachers, RVS staff, as well as school visitors can choose to go mask-free. Rocky View Schools will still have several health practices in place, however. They include : 

  • Use of Alberta Daily Health Checklist and staying home when sick 
  • Encouraging washing of hands and coughing or sneezing into an elbow or tissue 
  • Cleaning of high touch surfaces 
  • Enhanced ventilation practices in all RVS facilities  

In their letter, Gilbert and Luterbach say that RVS has the ability to make adjustments to best meet the needs of their students and school communities. "Schools will continue to have the ability to consider previous and current operational practices that have worked well," explains Gilbert and Luterbach. "This includes approaches such as staggered lunch and recess times, changes to assemblies, and online options for conferences and meetings."

Gilbert and Luterbach acknowledge that these changes will be received with mixed feelings and varying comfort levels. They ask for continued patience and understanding as the division adapts operations. 
