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It's CAA Worst Roads Campaign on again for 2022 where you can help choose the most annoying driving experience in the province.

The popular CAA Worst Roads campaign has returned to the province, allowing all road users the opportunity to vote on the worst roads in Saskatchewan. 

Motorists, cyclists, pedestrians, motorcyclists, runners, and transit riders will be able to nominate and vote on the worst roads until April 30. 

Christine Niemczyk, Director of Corporate Communications and Public Relations for CAA said that a bad road means an unsafe road. 

“At CAA we say a worse road is an unsafe road,” she stated. “Unsafe meaning that yes, typically potholes have been the number one issue since CAA’s been running their Worst Roads campaign for probably over a decade now." 

“But we do have other reasons and problems, or issues noted by voters about the roads and that includes everything from crumbling pavement, poor or no infrastructure congestion, doesn't have areas for sharing the road safely between drivers and cyclists, there's no stop signs. Maybe there should be a traffic line, there's something there about that road that is telling the road user that it is unsafe for them. So, that's why we do the campaign, because we'd like to hear from everyone across the province.” 

New to the campaign this year is the addition of a roving reporter. 

Dale Edward Johnson will be reporting from several of the CAA Top Ten Worst Roads locations from the past few years and sharing his findings on CCA Saskatchewan’s social media pages. 

A Google Map locator will be available on the CAA Worst Roads website. The map will pinpoint current locations of the nominated roads that are receiving votes. 

The results of the campaign are then shared with the decision makers at the provincial government as well as the municipality level. 

Niemczyk added that the results are likely not a surprise for those in charge. 

“They've probably heard from the residents as well, and year after year we do find that there are some repeat worst unsafe roads and they keep coming back because they still need attention and then we leave it to decision makers to say up to you to decide when it can be fixed and how you want to fix it,” she said. 

The 2022 CAA Top Ten Worst Roads will be revealed on May 2. 

Click here to visit CAA’s Worst Roads website. 

Written by Ally Paige

Author Alias