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Opposition Leader Ryan Meili
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File photo. Opposition Leader Ryan Meili

Official Opposition Leader Ryan Meili issued a statement immediately following the Sask Party Government’s cabinet shuffle that took place on May 31. Meili was critical particularly of the retentions of cabinet posts announced by the Premier. 

“On the issues that matter most to the people of Saskatchewan – the affordability and cost-of-living crisis, health care capacity, cuts to education, investments in mental health – this Cabinet shuffle indicates a status quo approach to addressing these very challenging issues,” Meili issued in a statement. “The Sask. Party had the opportunity to show that they have been listening to the concerns raised by families across this province and put in place ministers ready to do the work. Instead, they’ve maintained the very ministers who take their marching orders and continue to sit on their hands.”

Meili took particular exception to Health Minister Paul Merriman remaining as Minister of Health in light of what he considered a lacklustre performance. 

“Under his leadership, Saskatchewan had the worst response to the 4th wave of the pandemic, the highest COVID death rate, senior health leaders continue to leave the province, and he’s fostered a divisive relationship with our health care workers. Maintaining him in this role sends a clear signal to frontline workers and will create clear challenges when it comes to the retention and recruitment of health care workers to this province.”

The new cabinet was sworn in by Lieutenant Governor Russ Mirasty on May 31. 

Author Alias