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Premier Scott Moe is calling on the federal government to act with a potential CP rail strike on the horizon (file photo)
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Premier, Scott Moe. (File Photo)

The Lieutenant Governor and the Premier of Saskatchewan have official statements following the heartbreaking news of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II passing away on Thursday. Below are both statements:

"Like many of you, I was deeply saddened today to learn of the death of our Queen - the only monarch most of us have ever known - Her Late Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second," says Premier, Scott Moe. 

"Her reign of over 70 years spanned an incredible period of history. She was Queen during the term of 12 Canadian Prime Ministers and 9 Saskatchewan Premiers. But even more, enduring was the dedication, dignity and grace with which she served as Queen of Canada and the Commonwealth. 

Many of us have fond memories of Her Late Majesty's visits to our province - first as Princess Elizabeth in 1951 and then on five occasions as Queen - in 1959, 1973, 1978, 1987 and 2005. 

She visited many parts of our province, meeting with people from all walks of life, including continuing the special relationship between the Crown and Indigenous Peoples. 

Today, we express both our condolences and our loyalty to the Crown and to our new Monarch, His Majesty the King. I know he will carry on his responsibilities with the same honour, dignity and grace exemplified by his late mother every day of her 70-year reign."

"The world has lost a remarkable individual," says Lieutenant Governor, Russ Mirasty. "Through a life devoted to duty, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II exemplified integrity, humility, inner strength and outward grace. She was a constant in changing world. She respected tradition but embraced change. As Head of the Commonwealth, she encouraged unity. As Queen of Canada, she remarked often on the service of our citizens, our commitment to multiculturalism and our potential to influence the world. 

Her Majesty was very fond of Canada and Canadians and thought of our country as her home away from home. She was committed to Reconciliation and acknowledged the painful history that Indigenous people endured in residential schools in Canada, as well as the work that remains to heal and to continue to build an inclusive society. 

While we mourn her loss, we can also give thanks for her extraordinary contributions to Canada and the world."

Queen Elizabeth II passed away on Thursday at the age of 96.

Author Alias