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The career fair was the first one hosted since 2019.

An array of opportunities in schooling and employment was shown off to students during Wednesday's Estevan Comprehensive School Career Fair.

Around 45 associations set up tables in the ECS's cafeteria, showing off potential careers from a wide variety of sectors.

It was the first event like this the school was able to have since 2019, due to the COVID pandemic.

ECS Guidance Counselor Stacy Dutka says that she was a bit worried since it's been a while since the last fair.

"I was really impressed. I won't lie, I was a little nervous going in, just because we haven't hosted a career fair since 2019 due to COVID restrictions, and we've also never hosted an evening career fair. So I was a little nervous going in, but it felt like it was a wonderful event."

The evening time slot is new for a career fair and opens up some new opportunities to get parents involved as well.

"I know sometimes evenings are tough because students also work during that time, but one of the reasons why I like an evening event is because they also come with a parent or a guardian, which sometimes kind of increases that engagement level, or you ask a few more pertinent questions just because you're there with someone else."

The event was such a success thanks to schools who braved the elements and local businesses who took some extra time out of their days.

"I'd just really like to thank all of the schools that took the time to come, it wasn't necessarily the best weather the last four or five days, and also all of our locals," said Dutka, "I just appreciate all of them taking the time - when it's during the day, that's part of the workday, so they're taking time out of the night to come and help support our students and their careers they're planning."

Author Alias