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The Hockey Saskatchewan Board of Directors has proudly approved the creation of a new Junior hockey league for Female players in the province.

This new Under-22 (U22) league will be up and running next year and a Hockey Saskatchewan AAA/AA Task Team is working on the process that will be put in place to seek applications from communities to be a part of the inaugural 2023-24 season.

A virtual call was held in September 2022 with individuals from Minor Hockey Associations to discuss the formation of a Provincial Female Junior Hockey League. Over a dozen communities showed interest, and a vast majority were enthusiastic about putting the idea into motion.

“An update on our AAA/AA Task Team is that they have already begun looking at the review of female hockey and a female structure at AAA and AA. One item I’d like to announce is the Hockey Saskatchewan Board of Directors has endorsed the creation of a Provincial Junior Female Hockey League to begin in the fall of 2023,” Hockey Saskatchewan General Manager Kelly McClintock said.

“With Under-13 AA this year within the Saskatchewan Female Hockey League, we've seen that league grow to well over 100 teams. Adding a Junior (U22) option for young ladies is something that's going to be exciting as well.

“Our Task Team is creating the process to recommend to the Board how teams can apply, how teams will be selected and how the league will be administered. It is a great initiative for us.”

Members of the Task Team are creating the process for communities/teams to apply and how the league will be administered. As per guidelines, the Membership will be advised of any recommendations made by the Task Team that are approved by the Hockey Saskatchewan Board of Directors, and what action will be taken.

Membership can expect another announcement regarding this initiative in January 2023.

The emergence of a U22 Provincial Female Junior Hockey League aligns with objectives outlined in Hockey Saskatchewan’s 2022-25 Strategic Plan. To view the plan’s Roadmap, click HERE.

For questions about the league, please contact Hockey Saskatchewan General Manager Kelly McClintock (KellyM@HockeySask.ca).

Author Alias