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Stoughton Fire Hall.
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The addition to Stoughton's fire hall was paid off this month, which Mayor Clarence Hoffort said was a highlight of the year (photo courtesy of the Town of Stoughton).

A year in Stoughton that featured events returning to normal, a monumental financial achievement, and positive economic activity were highlights for the mayor.

Clarence Hoffort said typical staples on the calendar, such as Stoughton Daze, were able to proceed unfettered by COVID-19 regulations, which helped boost community spirit.

A few new businesses started up in the town of about 650 residents, which Hoffort said was a positive, along with houses in the community being purchased.

Hoffort said the Town also finished paying for an addition to their fire hall this month, which was a few years in the making.

There's work on the 2023 itinerary as well.

"We applied for a grant, which we really hope we get to replace the water line from the wells, which is about five miles north of Stoughton into town," said Hoffort. "That's a very expensive project."

Hoffort said it's work that has to be done regardless of whether they receive the grant.

"The RM (of Tecumseh) has been working with us, helping us out there. They're a little better off financially than we are because of the oil field and all the taxes they are able to collect. So they've been helping us out where they can with recreation, which they use also."

The grant is through the Investing in Canada's Infrastructure Program, which the Town partnered with the RM for. The Town said their share would be around $2.1 million, with a 20-per-cent contingency.

Hoffort said the Town is also looking to hire a rec director, and has been leaning heavily on a very strong volunteer base.

Author Alias