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Swift Current Online

from Ally Paige

SGI is reminding residents to think ahead this holiday season by arranging a safe ride home. 

“With New Year's Eve right around the corner, people are finalizing their New Year's plans and we want to make sure that those plans include how they are going to get home safely at the end of the evening,” explained Media Relations Manager, Tyler McMurchy. “And whatever they do, if those plans include a party that might include alcohol or cannabis or anything else that might impair them. We want them to know how they're getting home safe at the end of the night and making sure that nobody is driving impaired.” 

In the month of November alone, 342 impaired drivers were caught in the province with McMurchy stating that the RCMP will be keeping a close eye on the roads over New Years as well. 


“I believe you can expect to see check stops throughout Saskatchewan and other maybe less conspicuous forms of impaired driving enforcement,” he elaborated. “Police are going to be out on New Year's Eve, not because they're partying, but because they're keeping people safe.” 

The consequences of driving while impaired vary drastically depending on the experience and history of the driver, though it typically results in license suspensions and impounded vehicles. 

Repeat offenders could be charged under the Criminal Code, have their license suspended indefinitely, or even be imprisoned. 

He added that waking up friends or family with a call is a lot better than a knock at the door from the police. 


“There's always a better option than driving impaired, and sometimes it requires a bit of planning,” he continued. “Making sure that you have a designated driver in your friend group, but even if you don't have a plan at the start of the night, make sure you find a safe, safe ride home by the end of the night.  

“If that means phoning a sober friend or family member to come and pick you up, doing that. That person who cares about you would much rather get woken up by a phone call in the early morning hours of 2023 than getting a knock on the door by a police officer telling them that you've been involved in an impaired driving collision.” 

Author Alias