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Beverley Mahood has spent over half of her life hosting TeleMiracle - Photo courtesy TeleMiracle.com

Saskatchewan residents are being asked to 'Ring Those Phones' this weekend for TeleMiracle 47, being broadcast live from Prairieland Park in Saskatoon.

The 20-hour telethon is held in support of the Kinsmen Foundation.

One of the hosts for this year's event is Beverley Mahood, a successfull singer-songwriter, actress, model, and television host. She has performed for G8 World Leaders, Canadian/USA Military, United Nations and the Royal Family.

"Over the year's, it's something that's become really special and near and dear to my heart," she said. "I will be honest, I was scared as anything the first year. I was not a girl that talked at all, I sang. But when you get on that stage and you see where the money goes and you hear the stories and hear how much without TeleMiracle these things couldn't happen for people and people couldn't have this quality of life. I think that's what keeps me going."

TeleMiracle has raised over $153 million since 1977.

"I've spent over half of my life hosting TeleMiracle and being a part of it and it is life-changing for the people and the recipients, and the people of this province. Giving them better quality of life whether it's medical assistance or medical supplies or having a wheelchair, having a scooter. I think more than ever we think about those people that just don't have that quality of life, the independence of life but now more than ever people want to get out again and be a part of life. This just helps them do it."

Funds raised from TeleMiracle stay right here in Saskatchewan.


Author Alias